{ stdenv , lib , fetchurl , autoPatchelfHook , dpkg , gtk2 , openssl , pcsclite }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "pcsc-safenet"; version = "10.0.37-0"; # https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/sac-core/ src = fetchurl { url = "https://storage.spidlas.cz/public/soft/safenet/SafenetAuthenticationClient-core-${version}_amd64.deb"; sha256 = "1r9739bhal7ramj1rpawaqvik45xbs1c756l1da96din638gzy5l"; }; dontBuild = true; dontConfigure = true; unpackPhase = '' dpkg-deb -x $src . ''; buildInputs = [ gtk2 openssl pcsclite ]; runtimeDependencies = [ openssl ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ autoPatchelfHook dpkg ]; installPhase = '' # Set up for pcsc drivers mkdir -p pcsc/drivers mv usr/share/eToken/drivers/* pcsc/drivers/ rm -r usr/share/eToken/drivers # Move binaries out mv usr/bin bin # Move UI to bin mv usr/share/SAC/SACUIProcess bin/ rm -r usr/share/SAC mkdir $out cp -r {bin,etc,lib,pcsc,usr,var} $out/ cd "$out/lib/" ln -sf libeToken.so.10.0.37 libeTPkcs11.so ln -sf libeToken.so.10.0.37 libeToken.so.10.0 ln -sf libeToken.so.10.0.37 libeToken.so.10 ln -sf libeToken.so.10.0.37 libeToken.so ln -sf libcardosTokenEngine.so.10.0.37 libcardosTokenEngine.so.10.0 ln -sf libcardosTokenEngine.so.10.0.37 libcardosTokenEngine.so.10 ln -sf libcardosTokenEngine.so.10.0.37 libcardosTokenEngine.so cd $out/pcsc/drivers/aks-ifdh.bundle/Contents/Linux/ ln -sf libAksIfdh.so.10.0 libAksIfdh.so ln -sf libAksIfdh.so.10.0 libAksIfdh.so.10 ln -sf ${openssl.out}/lib/libcrypto.so $out/lib/libcrypto.so.1.0.0 ''; dontAutoPatchelf = true; # Patch DYN shared libraries (autoPatchElfHook only patches EXEC | INTERP). postFixup = '' autoPatchelf "$out" runtime_rpath="${lib.makeLibraryPath runtimeDependencies}" for mod in $(find "$out" -type f -name '*.so.*'); do mod_rpath="$(patchelf --print-rpath "$mod")" patchelf --set-rpath "$runtime_rpath:$mod_rpath" "$mod" done; ''; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://safenet.gemalto.com/multi-factor-authentication/security-applications/authentication-client-token-management"; description = "Safenet Authentication Client"; platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ]; license = licenses.unfree; maintainers = with maintainers; [ wldhx ]; }; }