{ stdenv, skawarePackages # Whether to build the TLS/SSL tools and what library to use # acceptable values: "libressl", false # TODO: add bearssl , sslSupport ? "libressl" , libressl }: with skawarePackages; let inherit (stdenv) lib; sslSupportEnabled = sslSupport != false; sslLibs = { libressl = libressl; }; in assert sslSupportEnabled -> sslLibs ? ${sslSupport}; buildPackage { pname = "s6-networking"; version = ""; sha256 = "127i7ig5wdgjbkjf0py0g96llc6cbxij22ns2j7bwa95figinhcx"; description = "A suite of small networking utilities for Unix systems"; outputs = [ "bin" "lib" "dev" "doc" "out" ]; # TODO: nsss support configureFlags = [ "--libdir=\${lib}/lib" "--libexecdir=\${lib}/libexec" "--dynlibdir=\${lib}/lib" "--bindir=\${bin}/bin" "--includedir=\${dev}/include" "--with-sysdeps=${skalibs.lib}/lib/skalibs/sysdeps" "--with-include=${skalibs.dev}/include" "--with-include=${execline.dev}/include" "--with-include=${s6.dev}/include" "--with-include=${s6-dns.dev}/include" "--with-lib=${skalibs.lib}/lib" "--with-lib=${execline.lib}/lib" "--with-lib=${s6.out}/lib" "--with-lib=${s6-dns.lib}/lib" "--with-dynlib=${skalibs.lib}/lib" "--with-dynlib=${execline.lib}/lib" "--with-dynlib=${s6.out}/lib" "--with-dynlib=${s6-dns.lib}/lib" ] ++ (lib.optionals sslSupportEnabled [ "--enable-ssl=${sslSupport}" "--with-include=${lib.getDev sslLibs.${sslSupport}}/include" "--with-lib=${lib.getLib sslLibs.${sslSupport}}/lib" "--with-dynlib=${lib.getLib sslLibs.${sslSupport}}/lib" ]); postInstall = '' # remove all s6 executables from build directory rm $(find -name "s6-*" -type f -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -executable) rm minidentd rm libs6net.* libstls.* mv doc $doc/share/doc/s6-networking/html ''; }