{ lib , stdenv , fetchFromGitHub , substituteAll , libpcap , openssl , bash }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { version = "2.4.9"; pname = "ppp"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "ppp-project"; repo = pname; rev = "${pname}-${version}"; sha256 = "sha256-8+nbqRNfKPLDx+wmuKSkv+BSeG72hKJI4dNqypqeEK4="; }; patches = [ (substituteAll { src = ./nix-purity.patch; glibc = stdenv.cc.libc.dev or stdenv.cc.libc; openssl_dev = openssl.dev; openssl_out = openssl.out; }) # Without nonpriv.patch, pppd --version doesn't work when not run as root. ./nonpriv.patch ]; buildInputs = [ libpcap openssl bash ]; postPatch = '' for file in $(find -name Makefile.linux); do substituteInPlace "$file" --replace '-m 4550' '-m 550' done patchShebangs --host \ scripts/{pon,poff,plog} ''; makeFlags = [ "CC=${stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}cc" ]; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall mkdir -p $out/bin make install install -D -m 755 scripts/{pon,poff,plog} $out/bin runHook postInstall ''; postFixup = '' substituteInPlace "$out/bin/pon" --replace "/usr/sbin" "$out/bin" ''; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://ppp.samba.org"; description = "Point-to-point implementation to provide Internet connections over serial lines"; license = with licenses; [ bsdOriginal publicDomain gpl2 lgpl2 ]; platforms = platforms.linux; maintainers = [ ]; }; }