{ lib, stdenv , fetchurl , pkg-config , makeWrapper , runtimeShell , iproute2 , lzo , openssl , pam , useSystemd ? stdenv.isLinux , systemd , util-linux , pkcs11Support ? false , pkcs11helper }: with lib; let # Check if the script needs to have other binaries wrapped when changing this. update-resolved = fetchurl { url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jonathanio/update-systemd-resolved/v1.3.0/update-systemd-resolved"; sha256 = "021qzv1k0zxgv1rmyfpqj3zlzqr28xa7zff1n7vrbjk36ijylpsc"; }; generic = { version, sha256 }: let withIpRoute = stdenv.isLinux && (versionOlder version "2.5.4"); in stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "openvpn"; inherit version; src = fetchurl { url = "https://swupdate.openvpn.net/community/releases/${pname}-${version}.tar.xz"; inherit sha256; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper pkg-config ]; buildInputs = [ lzo openssl ] ++ optional stdenv.isLinux pam ++ optional withIpRoute iproute2 ++ optional useSystemd systemd ++ optional pkcs11Support pkcs11helper; configureFlags = optionals withIpRoute [ "--enable-iproute2" "IPROUTE=${iproute2}/sbin/ip" ] ++ optional useSystemd "--enable-systemd" ++ optional pkcs11Support "--enable-pkcs11" ++ optional stdenv.isDarwin "--disable-plugin-auth-pam"; postInstall = '' mkdir -p $out/share/doc/openvpn/examples cp -r sample/sample-config-files/ $out/share/doc/openvpn/examples cp -r sample/sample-keys/ $out/share/doc/openvpn/examples cp -r sample/sample-scripts/ $out/share/doc/openvpn/examples '' + optionalString useSystemd '' install -Dm555 ${update-resolved} $out/libexec/update-systemd-resolved wrapProgram $out/libexec/update-systemd-resolved \ --prefix PATH : ${makeBinPath [ runtimeShell iproute2 systemd util-linux ]} ''; enableParallelBuilding = true; meta = with lib; { description = "A robust and highly flexible tunneling application"; downloadPage = "https://openvpn.net/community-downloads/"; homepage = "https://openvpn.net/"; license = licenses.gpl2; maintainers = with maintainers; [ viric peterhoeg ]; platforms = platforms.unix; }; }; in { openvpn_24 = generic { version = "2.4.11"; sha256 = "06s4m0xvixjhd3azrzbsf4j86kah4xwr2jp6cmcpc7db33rfyyg5"; }; openvpn = generic { version = "2.5.5"; sha256 = "sha256-EZvWn6AhCDj2zaonNpbcc476IA9FTb4R6237dd+2ADs="; }; }