{ lib, fetchurl, appimageTools }: let name = "vial-${version}"; version = "0.4.1"; pname = "Vial"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://github.com/vial-kb/vial-gui/releases/download/v${version}/${pname}-v${version}-x86_64.AppImage"; sha256 = "sha256-aN0wvgahWPNSXP/JmV1JWaEnARIOTyRdz1ko6eC7Y5s="; }; appimageContents = appimageTools.extractType2 { inherit name src; }; in appimageTools.wrapType2 { inherit name src; extraInstallCommands = '' mv $out/bin/${name} $out/bin/${pname} install -m 444 -D ${appimageContents}/${pname}.desktop -t $out/share/applications cp -r ${appimageContents}/usr/share/icons $out/share mkdir -p $out/etc/udev/rules.d/ # https://get.vial.today/getting-started/linux-udev.html echo 'KERNEL=="hidraw*", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", MODE="0666", TAG+="uaccess", TAG+="udev-acl"' > $out/etc/udev/rules.d/92-viia.rules ''; meta = with lib; { description = "An Open-source cross-platform (Windows, Linux and Mac) GUI and a QMK fork for configuring your keyboard in real time"; homepage = "https://get.vial.today"; license = licenses.gpl2Plus; maintainers = with maintainers; [ kranzes ]; platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ]; }; }