{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, fetchpatch, coreutils , python3Packages, substituteAll }: python3Packages.buildPythonApplication rec { name = "trash-cli-${version}"; version = ""; namePrefix = ""; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "andreafrancia"; repo = "trash-cli"; rev = version; sha256 = "1bqazna223ibqjwbc1wfvfnspfyrvjy8347qlrgv4cpng72n7gfi"; }; patches = [ (substituteAll { src = ./nix-paths.patch; df = "${coreutils}/bin/df"; libc = let ext = if stdenv.isDarwin then ".dylib" else ".so.6"; in "${stdenv.cc.libc}/lib/libc${ext}"; }) # Fix build on Python 3.6. (fetchpatch { url = "https://github.com/andreafrancia/trash-cli/commit/a21b80d1e69783bb09376c3f60dd2f2a10578805.patch"; sha256 = "0w49rjh433sjfc2cl5a9wlbr6kcn9f1qg905qsyv7ay3ar75wvyp"; }) # Fix listing trashed files over mount points, see https://github.com/andreafrancia/trash-cli/issues/95 (fetchpatch { url = "https://github.com/andreafrancia/trash-cli/commit/436dfddb4c2932ba3ff696e4732750b7bdc58461.patch"; sha256 = "02pkcz7nj67jbnqpw1943nrv95m8xyjvab4j62fa64r73fagm8m4"; }) ]; checkInputs = with python3Packages; [ nose mock ]; checkPhase = "nosetests"; meta = with stdenv.lib; { homepage = https://github.com/andreafrancia/trash-cli; description = "Command line tool for the desktop trash can"; maintainers = [ maintainers.rycee ]; platforms = platforms.unix; license = licenses.gpl2; }; }