# Nix with sandboxing requires every path used at build time be # explicitly declared. If we simply passed in the paths, they # would be copied in as sources. Using builtins.storePath we're # able to tell Nix that, no, in fact, treat these not as sources # to copy, but instead of a regular store path. # # Include the explicit closure, too, otherwise we'll get mysterious # "file not found" errors due to the glibc interpreter being # missing. let # Magic inspired by Nix's config.nix: # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/f9a2ea44867cd1dbb408bca4df0ced806137b7f7/corepkgs/config.nix.in#L23 # # If the dependency is in the Nix store we're using, refer to # it as a literal store path. If it isn't, refer to it "normally". # # This makes sandboxing happy when in a nix-build, and the # evaluation happy when in a «cargo build». tools_build_host = @tools_build_host@; # Compare the stringified version of the tools_build_host Nix store # path to the evaluator's stringified Nix store path. Otherwise, # Nix will read the sources in to the /nix/store, and, well, # you can only copy the /nix/store in to the /nix/store so many # times before you run out of disk space. dep = if ("${toString (dirOf tools_build_host)}" == "${toString builtins.storeDir}") then (builtins.trace "using storePath" builtins.storePath) else (builtins.trace "using toString" toString) # assume we have no sandboxing ; tools = dep tools_build_host; in { path = "${tools}/bin"; builder = "${tools}/bin/bash"; closure = import @runtime_closure_list@ { inherit dep; }; }