{ stdenv, fetchcvs, ocaml, fuse, postgresql, pcre , libuuid, gnome_vfs, pkgconfig, GConf }: stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "relfs-2008.03.05"; src = fetchcvs { cvsRoot = ":pserver:anonymous@relfs.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/relfs"; module = "relfs"; date = "2008-03-05"; sha256 = "949f8eff7e74ff2666cccf8a1efbfcce8d54bc41bec6ad6db8c029de7ca832a3"; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig ]; buildInputs = [ ocaml fuse postgresql pcre libuuid gnome_vfs GConf ]; buildPhase = '' cd deps sed -e 's/^CPP/#&/ ; s/^# CPP=gcc/CPP=gcc/' -i Makefile.camlidl make cd ../src sed -e 's/NULL\\|FALSE/0/g' -i Mimetype_lib.c sed -e 's@/usr/local/@'\$out/'@' -i Makefile sed -e '/install:/a\\\tmkdir -p '\$out'/share' -i Makefile make mkdir -p \$out/bin echo ' createuser -A -D \$1 dropdb relfs_\$1 ; rm -rf /tmp/relfs-\$1-tmp; mkdir /tmp/relfs-\$1-tmp; USER=\$1 relfs -f -s /tmp/relfs-\$1-tmp & sleep 1 && kill -15 \''${!}; rm -rf /tmp/relfs-\$1-tmp ; psql -d relfs_\$1 <<< \"ALTER DATABASE relfs_\$1 OWNER TO \$1; ALTER TABLE obj OWNER TO \$1; ALTER TABLE obj_mimetype OWNER TO \$1; ALTER TABLE membership OWNER TO \$1;\"' > \$out/bin/relfs_grant; chmod a+x \$out/bin/relfs_grant; ''; meta = with stdenv.lib; { description = "A relational filesystem on top of FUSE"; homepage = http://relfs.sourceforge.net; license = licenses.gpl2; maintainers = [ maintainers.raskin ]; platforms = platforms.linux; broken = true; }; }