{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, pkg-config, attr, acl, zlib, libuuid, e2fsprogs, lzo , asciidoc, xmlto, docbook_xml_dtd_45, docbook_xsl, libxslt, zstd, python3 }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "btrfs-progs"; version = "5.13"; src = fetchurl { url = "mirror://kernel/linux/kernel/people/kdave/btrfs-progs/btrfs-progs-v${version}.tar.xz"; sha256 = "sha256-Tikh0iA9Jl4qlBu9brB37dXjmBHi1p6MEbLwPc9eWEM="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config asciidoc xmlto docbook_xml_dtd_45 docbook_xsl libxslt python3 python3.pkgs.setuptools ]; buildInputs = [ attr acl zlib libuuid e2fsprogs lzo zstd python3 ]; # for python cross-compiling _PYTHON_HOST_PLATFORM = stdenv.hostPlatform.config; # gcc bug with -O1 on ARM with gcc 4.8 # This should be fine on all platforms so apply universally postPatch = "sed -i s/-O1/-O2/ configure"; postInstall = '' install -v -m 444 -D btrfs-completion $out/share/bash-completion/completions/btrfs ''; configureFlags = lib.optional stdenv.hostPlatform.isMusl "--disable-backtrace"; meta = with lib; { description = "Utilities for the btrfs filesystem"; homepage = "https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/"; license = licenses.gpl2; maintainers = with maintainers; [ raskin ]; platforms = platforms.linux; }; }