{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, enableNLS ? false, libnatspec ? null, libiconv }: assert enableNLS -> libnatspec != null; stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "zip"; version = "3.0"; src = fetchurl { urls = [ "ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/src/zip${lib.replaceStrings ["."] [""] version}.tgz" "https://src.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/zip/zip30.tar.gz/7b74551e63f8ee6aab6fbc86676c0d37/zip30.tar.gz" ]; sha256 = "0sb3h3067pzf3a7mlxn1hikpcjrsvycjcnj9hl9b1c3ykcgvps7h"; }; prePatch = '' substituteInPlace unix/Makefile --replace 'CC = cc' "" ''; hardeningDisable = [ "format" ]; makefile = "unix/Makefile"; buildFlags = if stdenv.isCygwin then [ "cygwin" ] else [ "generic" ]; installFlags = [ "prefix=${placeholder "out"}" "INSTALL=cp" ]; patches = [ # Trying to use `memset` without declaring it is flagged as an error with clang 16, causing # the `configure` script to incorrectly define `ZMEM`. That causes the build to fail due to # incompatible redeclarations of `memset`, `memcpy`, and `memcmp` in `zip.h`. ./fix-memset-detection.patch # Implicit declaration of `closedir` and `opendir` cause dirent detection to fail with clang 16. ./fix-implicit-declarations.patch ] ++ lib.optionals (enableNLS && !stdenv.isCygwin) [ ./natspec-gentoo.patch.bz2 ]; buildInputs = lib.optional enableNLS libnatspec ++ lib.optional stdenv.isCygwin libiconv; meta = with lib; { description = "Compressor/archiver for creating and modifying zipfiles"; homepage = "http://www.info-zip.org"; license = licenses.bsdOriginal; platforms = platforms.all; maintainers = [ ]; mainProgram = "zip"; }; }