{ stdenv, pythonPackages, openssl, # Many Salt modules require various Python modules to be installed, # passing them in this array enables Salt to find them. extraInputs ? [] }: pythonPackages.buildPythonApplication rec { pname = "salt"; version = "2019.2.0"; src = pythonPackages.fetchPypi { inherit pname version; sha256 = "1kgn3lway0zwwysyzpphv05j4xgxk92dk4rv1vybr2527wmvp5an"; }; propagatedBuildInputs = with pythonPackages; [ jinja2 markupsafe msgpack pycrypto pyyaml pyzmq requests tornado_4 ] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals (!pythonPackages.isPy3k) [ futures ] ++ extraInputs; patches = [ ./fix-libcrypto-loading.patch ]; postPatch = '' substituteInPlace "salt/utils/rsax931.py" \ --subst-var-by "libcrypto" "${openssl.out}/lib/libcrypto.so" ''; # The tests fail due to socket path length limits at the very least; # possibly there are more issues but I didn't leave the test suite running # as is it rather long. doCheck = false; meta = with stdenv.lib; { homepage = https://saltstack.com/; description = "Portable, distributed, remote execution and configuration management system"; maintainers = with maintainers; [ aneeshusa ]; license = licenses.asl20; }; }