{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, nixosTests }: let generic = { version, sha256, eol ? false, extraVulnerabilities ? [] }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "nextcloud"; inherit version; src = fetchurl { url = "https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/${pname}-${version}.tar.bz2"; inherit sha256; }; passthru.tests = nixosTests.nextcloud; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall mkdir -p $out/ cp -R . $out/ runHook postInstall ''; meta = with lib; { description = "Sharing solution for files, calendars, contacts and more"; homepage = "https://nextcloud.com"; maintainers = with maintainers; [ schneefux bachp globin fpletz ma27 ]; license = licenses.agpl3Plus; platforms = with platforms; unix; knownVulnerabilities = extraVulnerabilities ++ (optional eol "Nextcloud version ${version} is EOL"); }; }; in { nextcloud21 = throw '' Nextcloud v21 has been removed from `nixpkgs` as the support for it was dropped by upstream in 2022-02. Please upgrade to at least Nextcloud v22 by declaring services.nextcloud.package = pkgs.nextcloud22; in your NixOS config. WARNING: if you were on Nextcloud 20 on NixOS 21.11 you have to upgrade to Nextcloud 21 first on 21.11 because Nextcloud doesn't support upgrades accross multiple major versions! ''; nextcloud22 = generic { version = "22.2.6"; sha256 = "0f1d0f0cb000c51b11886be25a8adce478846c3233572fcf28b44c5d4036e235"; }; nextcloud23 = generic { version = "23.0.3"; sha256 = "39401d400fab02a84a175ea6e995b8ed4110fbaea48c876230b4f09755a62986"; }; # tip: get she sha with: # curl 'https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/nextcloud-${version}.tar.bz2.sha256' }