{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, jdk8_headless, jdk11_headless, makeWrapper, bash, coreutils, gnugrep, gnused, ps, majorVersion ? "1.0" }: let jre8 = jdk8_headless; jre11 = jdk11_headless; versionMap = { "2.4" = { kafkaVersion = "2.4.1"; scalaVersion = "2.12"; sha256 = "0ahsprmpjz026mhbr79187wfdrxcg352iipyfqfrx68q878wnxr1"; jre = jre8; }; "2.5" = { kafkaVersion = "2.5.1"; scalaVersion = "2.12"; sha256 = "1wn4iszrm2rvsfyyr515zx79k5m86davjkcwcwpxcgc4k3q0z7lv"; jre = jre8; }; "2.6" = { kafkaVersion = "2.6.1"; scalaVersion = "2.13"; sha256 = "1a2kd4r6f8z7qf886nnq9f350sblzzdi230j2hll7x156888573y"; jre = jre11; }; }; in with versionMap.${majorVersion}; stdenv.mkDerivation rec { version = "${scalaVersion}-${kafkaVersion}"; pname = "apache-kafka"; src = fetchurl { url = "mirror://apache/kafka/${kafkaVersion}/kafka_${version}.tgz"; inherit sha256; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ]; buildInputs = [ jre bash gnugrep gnused coreutils ps ]; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out cp -R config libs $out mkdir -p $out/bin cp bin/kafka* $out/bin cp bin/connect* $out/bin # allow us the specify logging directory using env substituteInPlace $out/bin/kafka-run-class.sh \ --replace 'LOG_DIR="$base_dir/logs"' 'LOG_DIR="$KAFKA_LOG_DIR"' substituteInPlace $out/bin/kafka-server-stop.sh \ --replace 'ps' '${ps}/bin/ps' for p in $out/bin\/*.sh; do wrapProgram $p \ --set JAVA_HOME "${jre}" \ --set KAFKA_LOG_DIR "/tmp/apache-kafka-logs" \ --prefix PATH : "${bash}/bin:${coreutils}/bin:${gnugrep}/bin:${gnused}/bin" done chmod +x $out/bin\/* ''; meta = with lib; { homepage = "http://kafka.apache.org"; description = "A high-throughput distributed messaging system"; license = licenses.asl20; maintainers = [ maintainers.ragge ]; platforms = platforms.unix; }; passthru = { inherit jre; }; }