*** git-export/module/Makefile.in.old Tue Mar 6 01:04:48 2012 --- git-export/module/Makefile.in Tue Mar 6 01:04:59 2012 *************** *** 11,20 **** @# installed devel headers, or they may be in the module @# subdirectory when building against the spl source tree. @if [ -f @SPL_OBJ@/@SPL_SYMBOLS@ ]; then \ ! /bin/cp -f @SPL_OBJ@/@SPL_SYMBOLS@ .; \ chmod +w @SPL_SYMBOLS@ .; \ elif [ -f @SPL_OBJ@/module/@SPL_SYMBOLS@ ]; then \ ! /bin/cp -f @SPL_OBJ@/module/@SPL_SYMBOLS@ .; \ chmod +w @SPL_SYMBOLS@ .; \ else \ echo -e "\n" \ --- 11,20 ---- @# installed devel headers, or they may be in the module @# subdirectory when building against the spl source tree. @if [ -f @SPL_OBJ@/@SPL_SYMBOLS@ ]; then \ ! cp -f @SPL_OBJ@/@SPL_SYMBOLS@ .; \ chmod +w @SPL_SYMBOLS@ .; \ elif [ -f @SPL_OBJ@/module/@SPL_SYMBOLS@ ]; then \ ! cp -f @SPL_OBJ@/module/@SPL_SYMBOLS@ .; \ chmod +w @SPL_SYMBOLS@ .; \ else \ echo -e "\n" \