{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, nasm, perl, python, libuuid, mtools, makeWrapper }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { name = "syslinux-2015-11-09"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "geneC"; repo = "syslinux"; rev = "0cc9a99e560a2f52bcf052fd85b1efae35ee812f"; sha256 = "0wk3r5ki4lc334f9jpml07wpl8d0bnxi9h1l4h4fyf9a0d7n4kmw"; }; patches = [ ./perl-deps.patch (fetchurl { # ldlinux.elf: Not enough room for program headers, try linking with -N name = "not-enough-room.patch"; url = "https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/syslinux.git/plain/" + "debian/patches/0014_fix_ftbfs_no_dynamic_linker.patch?id=a556ad7"; sha256 = "0ijqjsjmnphmvsx0z6ppnajsfv6xh6crshy44i2a5klxw4nlvrsw"; }) ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ nasm perl python ]; buildInputs = [ libuuid makeWrapper ]; enableParallelBuilding = false; # Fails very rarely with 'No rule to make target: ...' hardeningDisable = [ "pic" "stackprotector" "fortify" ]; preBuild = '' substituteInPlace Makefile --replace /bin/pwd $(type -P pwd) substituteInPlace gpxe/src/Makefile.housekeeping --replace /bin/echo $(type -P echo) substituteInPlace utils/ppmtolss16 gpxe/src/Makefile --replace /usr/bin/perl $(type -P perl) ''; stripDebugList = "bin sbin share/syslinux/com32"; makeFlags = [ "BINDIR=$(out)/bin" "SBINDIR=$(out)/sbin" "LIBDIR=$(out)/lib" "INCDIR=$(out)/include" "DATADIR=$(out)/share" "MANDIR=$(out)/share/man" "PERL=perl" "bios" ]; postInstall = '' wrapProgram $out/bin/syslinux \ --prefix PATH : "${mtools}/bin" ''; meta = with stdenv.lib; { homepage = http://www.syslinux.org/; description = "A lightweight bootloader"; license = licenses.gpl2; platforms = platforms.linux; }; }