{ stdenv, fetchurl, pam ? null, glibcCross ? null }: let glibc = if stdenv ? cross then glibcCross else assert stdenv ? glibc; stdenv.glibc; dots_in_usernames = fetchurl { url = http://sources.gentoo.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/shadow/files/shadow-4.1.3-dots-in-usernames.patch; sha256 = "1fj3rg6x3jppm5jvi9y7fhd2djbi4nc5pgwisw00xlh4qapgz692"; }; in stdenv.mkDerivation rec { name = "shadow-"; src = fetchurl { url = "http://pkg-shadow.alioth.debian.org/releases/${name}.tar.bz2"; sha256 = "1yvqx57vzih0jdy3grir8vfbkxp0cl0myql37bnmi2yn90vk6cma"; }; buildInputs = stdenv.lib.optional (pam != null && stdenv.isLinux) pam; patches = [ ./keep-path.patch dots_in_usernames ]; # Assume System V `setpgrp (void)', which is the default on GNU variants # (`AC_FUNC_SETPGRP' is not cross-compilation capable.) preConfigure = "export ac_cv_func_setpgrp_void=yes"; preBuild = assert glibc != null; '' substituteInPlace lib/nscd.c --replace /usr/sbin/nscd ${glibc}/sbin/nscd ''; # Don't install ‘groups’, since coreutils already provides it. postInstall = '' rm $out/bin/groups $out/share/man/man1/groups.* ''; meta = { homepage = http://pkg-shadow.alioth.debian.org/; description = "Suite containing authentication-related tools such as passwd and su"; }; }