{ lib , stdenv , fetchFromGitHub , bash , bison , flex , which , perl , sensord ? false , rrdtool ? null }: assert sensord -> rrdtool != null; stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "lm-sensors"; version = "3.6.0"; dashedVersion = lib.replaceStrings [ "." ] [ "-" ] version; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "lm-sensors"; repo = "lm-sensors"; rev = "V${dashedVersion}"; hash = "sha256-9lfHCcODlS7sZMjQhK0yQcCBEoGyZOChx/oM0CU37sY="; }; # Upstream build system have knob to enable and disable building of static # library, shared library is built unconditionally. postPatch = lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic '' sed -i 'lib/Module.mk' -e '/LIBTARGETS :=/,+1d; /-m 755/ d' substituteInPlace prog/sensors/Module.mk --replace 'lib/$(LIBSHBASENAME)' "" ''; nativeBuildInputs = [ bison flex which ]; # bash is required for correctly replacing the shebangs in all tools for cross-compilation. buildInputs = [ bash perl ] ++ lib.optional sensord rrdtool; makeFlags = [ "PREFIX=${placeholder "out"}" "CC=${stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}cc" "AR=${stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}ar" ] ++ lib.optional sensord "PROG_EXTRA=sensord"; installFlags = [ "ETCDIR=${placeholder "out"}/etc" ]; # Making regexp to patch-out installing of .so symlinks from Makefile is # complicated, it is easier to remove them post-install. postInstall = '' mkdir -p $out/share/doc/${pname} cp -r configs doc/* $out/share/doc/${pname} '' + lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic '' rm $out/lib/*.so* ''; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://hwmon.wiki.kernel.org/lm_sensors"; changelog = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lm-sensors/lm-sensors/V${dashedVersion}/CHANGES"; description = "Tools for reading hardware sensors"; license = with licenses; [ lgpl21Plus gpl2Plus ]; maintainers = with maintainers; [ pmy ]; platforms = platforms.linux; mainProgram = "sensors"; }; }