{ stdenv, fetchurl, fetchpatch, pkgconfig, libsepol, pcre , enablePython ? true, swig ? null, python ? null }: assert enablePython -> swig != null && python != null; with stdenv.lib; stdenv.mkDerivation rec { name = "libselinux-${version}"; version = "2.4"; inherit (libsepol) se_release se_url; src = fetchurl { url = "${se_url}/${se_release}/libselinux-${version}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "0yqg73ns97jwjh1iyv0jr5qxb8k5sqq5ywfkx11lzfn5yj8k0126"; }; buildInputs = [ pkgconfig libsepol pcre ] ++ optionals enablePython [ swig python ]; # Avoid this false warning: # avc_internal.c: In function 'avc_netlink_receive': # avc_internal.c:105:25: error: cast increases required alignment of target type [-Werror=cast-align] # struct nlmsghdr *nlh = (struct nlmsghdr *)buf; # ^ NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = "-std=gnu89 -Wno-error=cast-align"; # Unreleased upstream patch that fixes Python package issue arising # from recent SWIG changes. patches = optional enablePython (fetchpatch { name = "fix-python-swig.patch"; url = "https://github.com/SELinuxProject/selinux/commit/a9604c30a5e2f71007d31aa6ba41cf7b95d94822.patch"; sha256 = "0mjrclh0sd8m7vq0wvl6pg29ss415j3kn0266v8ixy4fprafagfp"; stripLen = 1; }); postPatch = optionalString enablePython '' sed -i -e 's|\$(LIBDIR)/libsepol.a|${libsepol}/lib/libsepol.a|' src/Makefile ''; preBuild = '' # Build fails without this precreated mkdir -p $out/include makeFlagsArray+=("PREFIX=$out") makeFlagsArray+=("DESTDIR=$out") ''; installTargets = [ "install" ] ++ optional enablePython "install-pywrap"; meta = libsepol.meta // { description = "SELinux core library"; }; }