{ stdenv, fetchurl }: # Note: this package is used for bootstrapping fetchurl, and thus # cannot use fetchpatch! All mutable patches (generated by GitHub or # cgit) that are needed here should be included directly in Nixpkgs as # files. stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "keyutils"; version = "1.6.1"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/dhowells/keyutils.git/snapshot/${pname}-${version}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "0mzmw8c7gqmqaxm3sa0xki8ycjla47xxhqg0yh17pl00d7ydqw9w"; }; patches = [ (fetchurl { # improve reproducibility url = "https://salsa.debian.org/debian/keyutils/raw/4cecffcb8e2a2aa4ef41777ed40e4e4bcfb2e5bf/debian/patches/Make-build-reproducible.patch"; sha256 = "0wnvbjfrbk7rghd032z684l7vk7mhy3bd41zvhkrhgp3cd5id0bm"; }) ./conf-symlink.patch ]; BUILDDATE = "1970-01-01"; outputs = [ "out" "lib" "dev" ]; installFlags = [ "ETCDIR=$(out)/etc" "BINDIR=$(out)/bin" "SBINDIR=$(out)/sbin" "SHAREDIR=$(out)/share/keyutils" "MANDIR=$(out)/share/man" "INCLUDEDIR=$(dev)/include" "LIBDIR=$(lib)/lib" "USRLIBDIR=$(lib)/lib" ]; meta = with stdenv.lib; { homepage = "https://people.redhat.com/dhowells/keyutils/"; description = "Tools used to control the Linux kernel key management system"; license = licenses.gpl2Plus; platforms = platforms.linux; }; }