{ stdenvNoCC, lib, buildPackages , buildPlatform, hostPlatform , fetchurl, perl }: assert hostPlatform.isLinux; with hostPlatform.platform.kernelHeadersBaseConfig; let inherit (hostPlatform.platform) kernelHeadersBaseConfig; common = { version, sha256, patches ? null }: stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation { name = "linux-headers-${version}"; src = fetchurl { url = "mirror://kernel/linux/kernel/v4.x/linux-${version}.tar.xz"; inherit sha256; }; targetConfig = if hostPlatform != buildPlatform then hostPlatform.config else null; platform = hostPlatform.platform.kernelArch; # It may look odd that we use `stdenvNoCC`, and yet explicit depend on a cc. # We do this so we have a build->build, not build->host, C compiler. depsBuildBuild = [ buildPackages.stdenv.cc ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ perl ]; extraIncludeDirs = lib.optional hostPlatform.isPowerPC ["ppc"]; # "patches" array defaults to 'null' to avoid changing hash # and causing mass rebuild inherit patches; buildPhase = '' if test -n "$targetConfig"; then export ARCH=$platform fi make ${kernelHeadersBaseConfig} SHELL=bash make mrproper headers_check SHELL=bash ''; installPhase = '' make INSTALL_HDR_PATH=$out headers_install # Some builds (e.g. KVM) want a kernel.release. mkdir -p $out/include/config echo "${version}-default" > $out/include/config/kernel.release ''; # !!! hacky fixupPhase = '' ln -s asm $out/include/asm-$platform if test "$platform" = "i386" -o "$platform" = "x86_64"; then ln -s asm $out/include/asm-x86 fi ''; meta = with lib; { description = "Header files and scripts for Linux kernel"; license = licenses.gpl2; platforms = platforms.linux; }; }; in { linuxHeaders_4_4 = common { version = "4.4.10"; sha256 = "1kpjvvd9q9wwr3314q5ymvxii4dv2d27295bzly225wlc552xhja"; }; linuxHeaders_4_15 = common { version = "4.15"; sha256 = "0sd7l9n9h7vf9c6gd6ciji28hawda60yj0llh17my06m0s4lf9js"; }; }