{ libqmi, lib, fetchFromGitiles, upstreamInfo , autoreconfHook, autoconf-archive, gtk-doc, docbook-xsl-nons }: libqmi.overrideAttrs ( { configureFlags ? [], nativeBuildInputs ? [], passthru ? {}, meta ? {}, ... }: { pname = "libqmi-unstable"; version = "2019-12-16"; src = fetchFromGitiles upstreamInfo.components."src/third_party/libqmi"; nativeBuildInputs = nativeBuildInputs ++ [ autoreconfHook autoconf-archive gtk-doc docbook-xsl-nons ]; # ModemManager tests fail with QRTR in Chromium OS 91. # Will hopefully be fixed in CrOS 92. configureFlags = configureFlags ++ [ "--enable-gtk-doc" "--disable-qrtr" ]; passthru = passthru // { updateScript = ../update.py; }; meta = with lib; meta // { maintainers = with maintainers; [ qyliss ]; }; } )