{stdenv, lib, fetchzip}: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "darling"; name = pname; src = fetchzip { url = "https://github.com/darlinghq/darling/archive/d2cc5fa748003aaa70ad4180fff0a9a85dc65e9b.tar.gz"; sha256 = "11b51fw47nl505h63bgx5kqiyhf3glhp1q6jkpb6nqfislnzzkrf"; postFetch = '' # The archive contains both `src/opendirectory` and `src/OpenDirectory`, # pre-create the directory to choose the canonical case on # case-insensitive filesystems. mkdir -p $out/src/OpenDirectory cd $out tar -xzf $downloadedFile --strip-components=1 rm -r $out/src/libm # If `src/opendirectory` and `src/OpenDirectory` refer to different # things, then combine them into `src/OpenDirectory` to match the result # on case-insensitive filesystems. if [ "$(stat -c %i src/opendirectory)" != "$(stat -c %i src/OpenDirectory)" ]; then mv src/opendirectory/* src/OpenDirectory/ rmdir src/opendirectory fi ''; }; # only packaging sandbox for now buildPhase = '' cc -c src/sandbox/sandbox.c -o src/sandbox/sandbox.o cc -dynamiclib -flat_namespace src/sandbox/sandbox.o -o libsystem_sandbox.dylib ''; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out/lib cp -rL src/sandbox/include/ $out/ cp libsystem_sandbox.dylib $out/lib/ mkdir -p $out/include cp src/libaks/include/* $out/include ''; meta = with lib; { maintainers = with maintainers; [ matthewbauer ]; license = licenses.gpl3; description = "Darwin/macOS emulation layer for Linux"; platforms = platforms.darwin; }; }