{stdenv, fetchurl, fetchgit}: # All this file is made for the Marvell Sheevaplug stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "uboot-qb-2010.06"; src = fetchurl { url = "ftp://ftp.denx.de/pub/u-boot/u-boot-2010.06.tar.bz2"; sha256 = "1j0bl8x5i5m1pn62z450gbw30pbrj7sgs3fjp2l2giczv49cn33r"; }; srcPatches = fetchgit { url = "git://projects.qi-hardware.com/openwrt-xburst.git"; rev = "3244d5ef9f93802f9b9b6f4405636424abf6fa83"; sha256 = "0mg87s10hpz41dr1zbd3bcl8i64gwvh3f1nrz8cb8c49099miqla"; }; patchPhase = '' cp -R $srcPatches/package/uboot-xburst/files/* . for a in $srcPatches/package/uboot-xburst/patches/*; do patch -p1 < $a done chmod +w -R * sed -i -e 's/console=ttyS0,57600n8//' include/configs/qi_lb60.h # Load more than 2MiB for the kernel sed -i -e 's/0x200000;bootm/0x400000;bootm/' include/configs/qi_lb60.h ''; makeFlags = [ "CROSS_COMPILE=${stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}" ]; # Add reiserfs support configurePhase = '' make mrproper make qi_lb60_config ''; preBuild= '' # A variable named 'src' used to affect the build in some uboot... unset -v src ''; dontStrip = true; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out cp u-boot-nand.bin $out cp u-boot u-boot.map $out mkdir -p $out/bin cp tools/{envcrc,mkimage} $out/bin ''; meta = { platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.mips; }; }