{ stdenv, fetchgit, ghostscript, texinfo, imagemagick, texi2html, guile , python2, gettext, flex, perl, bison, pkgconfig, autoreconfHook, dblatex , fontconfig, freetype, pango, fontforge, help2man, zip, netpbm, groff , makeWrapper, t1utils , texlive, tex ? texlive.combine { inherit (texlive) scheme-small lh metafont epsf; } }: let version = "2.18.2"; in stdenv.mkDerivation { pname = "lilypond"; inherit version; src = fetchgit { url = "https://git.savannah.gnu.org/r/lilypond.git"; rev = "release/${version}-1"; sha256 = "0fk045fmmb6fcv7jdvkbqr04qlwnxzwclr2gzx3gja714xy6a76x"; }; postInstall = '' for f in "$out/bin/"*; do # Override default argv[0] setting so LilyPond can find # its Scheme libraries. wrapProgram "$f" --set GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE 0 \ --set PATH "${ghostscript}/bin" \ --argv0 "$f" done ''; configureFlags = [ "--disable-documentation" "--with-ncsb-dir=${ghostscript}/share/ghostscript/fonts" ]; preConfigure = '' sed -e "s@mem=mf2pt1@mem=$PWD/mf/mf2pt1@" -i scripts/build/mf2pt1.pl export HOME=$TMPDIR/home ''; nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper pkgconfig autoreconfHook ]; autoreconfPhase = "NOCONFIGURE=1 sh autogen.sh"; buildInputs = [ ghostscript texinfo imagemagick texi2html guile dblatex tex zip netpbm python2 gettext flex perl bison fontconfig freetype pango fontforge help2man groff t1utils ]; enableParallelBuilding = true; meta = with stdenv.lib; { description = "Music typesetting system"; homepage = http://lilypond.org/; license = licenses.gpl3; maintainers = with maintainers; [ marcweber yurrriq ]; platforms = platforms.all; broken = stdenv.isDarwin; }; patches = [ ./findlib.patch ]; }