{ stdenv, fetchgit, fetchpatch, autoreconfHook , pkgconfig, libtool, boost, SDL , glib, pango, gettext, curl, xorg , libpng, libjpeg, giflib, speex, atk # renderers , enableAGG ? true, agg ? null , enableCairo ? false, cairo ? null , enableOpenGL ? false , libGLU ? null , libGL ? null # GUI toolkits , enableGTK ? true, gtk2 ? null, gnome2 ? null , enableSDL ? false , enableQt ? false, qt4 ? null # media , enableFFmpeg ? true, ffmpeg_2 ? null # misc , enableJemalloc ? true, jemalloc ? null , enableHwAccel ? true , enablePlugins ? false, xulrunner ? null, npapi_sdk ? null }: with stdenv.lib; let available = x: x != null; sound = if enableFFmpeg then "ffmpeg" else "none"; renderers = [] ++ optional enableAGG "agg" ++ optional enableCairo "cairo" ++ optional enableOpenGL "opengl"; toolkits = [] ++ optional enableGTK "gtk" ++ optional enableSDL "sdl" ++ optional enableQt "qt4"; in # renderers assert enableAGG -> available agg; assert enableCairo -> available cairo; assert enableOpenGL -> all available [ libGLU libGL ]; # GUI toolkits assert enableGTK -> all available [ gtk2 gnome2.gtkglext gnome2.GConf ]; assert enableSDL -> available SDL; assert enableQt -> available qt4; # media libraries assert enableFFmpeg -> available ffmpeg_2 ; # misc assert enableJemalloc -> available jemalloc; assert enableHwAccel -> all available [ libGLU libGL ]; assert enablePlugins -> all available [ xulrunner npapi_sdk ]; assert length toolkits == 0 -> throw "at least one GUI toolkit must be enabled"; assert length renderers == 0 -> throw "at least one renderer must be enabled"; stdenv.mkDerivation { pname = "gnash"; version = "0.8.11-2019-30-01"; src = fetchgit { url = "git://git.sv.gnu.org/gnash.git"; rev = "583ccbc1275c7701dc4843ec12142ff86bb305b4"; sha256 = "0fh0bljn0i6ypyh6l99afi855p7ki7lm869nq1qj6k8hrrwhmfry"; }; postPatch = '' sed -i 's|jemalloc.h|jemalloc/jemalloc.h|' libbase/jemalloc_gnash.c ''; nativeBuildInputs = [ autoreconfHook pkgconfig libtool ]; buildInputs = [ glib gettext boost curl SDL speex xorg.libXmu xorg.libSM xorg.libXt libpng libjpeg giflib pango atk ] ++ optional enableAGG agg ++ optional enableCairo cairo ++ optional enableQt qt4 ++ optional enableFFmpeg ffmpeg_2 ++ optional enableJemalloc jemalloc ++ optional enableHwAccel [ libGL libGLU ] ++ optionals enableOpenGL [ libGL libGLU ] ++ optionals enablePlugins [ xulrunner npapi_sdk ] ++ optionals enableGTK [ gtk2 gnome2.gtkglext gnome2.GConf ]; patches = [ (fetchpatch { # fix compilation due to bad detection of libgif version: https://savannah.gnu.org/patch/index.php?9873 url = "https://savannah.gnu.org/patch/download.php?file_id=47859"; sha256 = "0aimayzgi5065gkcfcr8d5lkd9c0471q7dqmln42hjzq847n6d5y"; }) ]; configureFlags = with stdenv.lib; [ "--with-boost-incl=${boost.dev}/include" "--with-boost-lib=${boost.out}/lib" "--enable-renderer=${concatStringsSep "," renderers}" "--enable-gui=${concatStringsSep "," toolkits}" "--enable-media=${sound}" "--with-npapi-install=prefix" (enableFeature enablePlugins "plugins") (enableFeature enableJemalloc "jemalloc") (optionalString enableHwAccel "--enable-device=egl") ]; meta = { homepage = https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/gnash; description = "A flash (SWF) player and browser plugin"; license = licenses.gpl3; maintainers = with maintainers; [ rnhmjoj ]; }; }