{ lib, stdenv, fetchFromSourcehut , zig, glfw, libGLU, libGL, openal, libsndfile }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "blackshades"; version = "2.4.9"; src = fetchFromSourcehut { owner = "~cnx"; repo = pname; rev = version; fetchSubmodules = true; sha256 = "sha256-Hg+VcWI28GzY/CPm1lUftP0RGztOnzizrKJQVTmeJ9I="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ zig ]; buildInputs = [ glfw libGLU libGL openal libsndfile ]; preBuild = '' export HOME=$TMPDIR ''; installPhase = '' zig build -Drelease-fast -Dcpu=baseline --prefix $out install ''; meta = { homepage = "https://sr.ht/~cnx/blackshades"; description = "A psychic bodyguard FPS"; license = lib.licenses.gpl3Plus; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ McSinyx viric ]; platforms = with lib.platforms; linux; }; }