{ stdenv, lib, pythonPackages, python3Packages, less, patchutils, git , subversion, coreutils, which }: with pythonPackages; buildPythonApplication rec { pname = "ydiff"; version = "1.1"; src = fetchPypi { inherit pname version; sha256 = "0mxcl17sx1d4vaw22ammnnn3y19mm7r6ljbarcjzi519klz26bnf"; }; patchPhase = '' substituteInPlace tests/test_ydiff.py \ --replace /bin/rm ${coreutils}/bin/rm \ --replace /bin/sh ${stdenv.shell} substituteInPlace Makefile \ --replace "pep8 --ignore" "# pep8 --ignore" \ --replace "python3 \`which coverage\`" "${python3Packages.coverage}/bin/coverage3" \ --replace /bin/sh ${stdenv.shell} \ --replace tests/regression.sh "${stdenv.shell} tests/regression.sh" patchShebangs tests/*.sh ''; buildInputs = [ docutils pygments ]; propagatedBuildInputs = [ less patchutils ]; checkInputs = [ coverage coreutils git subversion which ]; checkTarget = if isPy3k then "test3" else "test"; meta = { homepage = https://github.com/ymattw/ydiff; description = "View colored, incremental diff in workspace or from stdin"; longDescription = '' Term based tool to view colored, incremental diff in a version controlled workspace (supports Git, Mercurial, Perforce and Svn so far) or from stdin, with side by side (similar to diff -y) and auto pager support. ''; license = lib.licenses.bsd3; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ leenaars ]; }; }