{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, perlPackages, gettext, libintl }: # Note: this package is used for bootstrapping fetchurl, and thus # cannot use fetchpatch! All mutable patches (generated by GitHub or # cgit) that are needed here should be included directly in Nixpkgs as # files. stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "help2man"; version = "1.49.3"; src = fetchurl { url = "mirror://gnu/help2man/help2man-${version}.tar.xz"; sha256 = "sha256-TX5P3vLspq/geiaCFRzqeHgeCk6PliIULZ9wwIOi/U8="; }; strictDeps = true; enableParallelBuilding = true; nativeBuildInputs = [ gettext perlPackages.perl perlPackages.LocaleGettext ]; buildInputs = [ perlPackages.LocaleGettext libintl ]; configureFlags = [ "--enable-nls" ]; doCheck = false; # target `check' is missing patches = lib.optional stdenv.hostPlatform.isCygwin ./1.40.4-cygwin-nls.patch; # We don't use makeWrapper here because it uses substitutions our # bootstrap shell can't handle. postInstall = '' mv $out/bin/help2man $out/bin/.help2man-wrapped cat > $out/bin/help2man <