{ stdenv, autoPatchelfHook, fetchurl, lib }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "ccloud-cli"; version = "1.39.0"; # To get the latest version: # curl -L https://cnfl.io/ccloud-cli | sh -s -- -l | grep -v latest | sort -V | tail -n1 src = fetchurl (if stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin then { url = "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/confluent.cloud/ccloud-cli/archives/${version}/ccloud_v${version}_darwin_amd64.tar.gz"; sha256 = "0jqpmnx3izl4gv02zpx03z6ayi3cb5if4rnyl1374yaclx44k1gd"; } else { url = "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/confluent.cloud/ccloud-cli/archives/${version}/ccloud_v${version}_linux_amd64.tar.gz"; sha256 = "0936hipcl37w4mzzsnjlz4q1z4j9094i4irigzqwg14gdbs7p11s"; }); nativeBuildInputs = [ autoPatchelfHook ]; dontStrip = stdenv.isDarwin; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out/{bin,share/doc/ccloud-cli} cp ccloud $out/bin/ cp LICENSE $out/share/doc/ccloud-cli/ cp -r legal $out/share/doc/ccloud-cli/ ''; meta = with lib; { description = "Confluent Cloud CLI"; homepage = "https://docs.confluent.io/current/cloud/cli/index.html"; license = licenses.unfree; maintainers = with maintainers; [ kalbasit ]; # TODO: There's support for i686 systems but I do not have any such system # to build it locally on, it's also unfree so I cannot rely on ofborg to # build it. Get the list of supported system by looking at the list of # files in the S3 bucket: # # https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/confluent.cloud?prefix=ccloud-cli/archives/1.25.0/&delimiter=/%27 platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" ]; }; }