{ stdenv, fetchurl, jre, makeWrapper }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "mill"; version = "0.6.0"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://github.com/lihaoyi/mill/releases/download/${version}/${version}"; sha256 = "0pdyv3bk2d50gqqd9h4a2i4yym4k01p7qkwhzz2mxa18f64777s9"; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ]; dontUnpack = true; dontConfigure = true; dontBuild = true; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall install -Dm555 "$src" "$out/bin/.mill-wrapped" # can't use wrapProgram because it sets --argv0 makeWrapper "$out/bin/.mill-wrapped" "$out/bin/mill" \ --prefix PATH : "${jre}/bin" \ --set JAVA_HOME "${jre}" \ --set MILL_VERSION "${version}" runHook postInstall ''; meta = with stdenv.lib; { homepage = https://www.lihaoyi.com/mill; license = licenses.mit; description = "A build tool for Scala, Java and more"; longDescription = '' Mill is a build tool borrowing ideas from modern tools like Bazel, to let you build your projects in a way that's simple, fast, and predictable. Mill has built in support for the Scala programming language, and can serve as a replacement for SBT, but can also be extended to support any other language or platform via modules (written in Java or Scala) or through an external subprocesses. ''; maintainers = with maintainers; [ scalavision ]; platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.all; }; }