with builtins; let withIndexes = list: genList (idx: (elemAt list idx) // {index = idx;}) (length list); testLine = report: "${okStr report} ${toString (report.index + 1)} ${report.description}" + testDirective report + testYaml report; # These are part of the TAP spec, not yet implemented. #c.f. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/27071 testDirective = report: ""; testYaml = report: ""; okStr = { result, ...}: if result == "pass" then "ok" else "not ok"; in { output = reports: '' TAP version 13 1..${toString (length reports)}'' + (foldl' (l: r: l + "\n" + r) "" (map testLine (withIndexes reports))) + '' # Finished at ${toString currentTime} ''; }