{ lib , buildPythonPackage , fetchPypi , isPy3k , cryptography , futures , pytest , pyopenssl , service-identity , idna }: buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "trustme"; version = "0.6.0"; src = fetchPypi { inherit pname version; sha256 = "9dfb18b568729d0219f758cddca1a91bab59f62ca41ee0e8acce5e657ec97b6c"; }; checkInputs = [ pytest pyopenssl service-identity ]; propagatedBuildInputs = [ cryptography idna ] ++ lib.optionals (!isPy3k) [ futures ]; checkPhase = '' pytest ''; # Some of the tests use localhost networking. __darwinAllowLocalNetworking = true; meta = { description = "High quality TLS certs while you wait, for the discerning tester"; homepage = https://github.com/python-trio/trustme; license = with lib.licenses; [ mit asl20 ]; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ catern ]; }; }