{ lib , buildPythonPackage , isPy27 , fetchFromGitHub , pytestCheckHook , pytestcov , dill , numpy , pytorch , threadpoolctl , tqdm }: buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "rising"; version = "0.2.0post0"; disabled = isPy27; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "PhoenixDL"; repo = pname; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "0fb9894ppcp18wc2dhhjizj8ja53gbv9wpql4mixxxdz8z2bn33c"; }; propagatedBuildInputs = [ numpy pytorch threadpoolctl tqdm ]; checkInputs = [ dill pytestcov pytestCheckHook ]; disabledTests = [ "test_affine" ]; # deprecated division operator '/' meta = { description = "High-performance data loading and augmentation library in PyTorch"; homepage = "https://rising.rtfd.io"; license = lib.licenses.mit; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ bcdarwin ]; }; }