{ stdenv, buildPythonPackage, fetchFromGitHub , future, six, ecdsa, rsa , pycrypto, pytest, pytestcov, pytestrunner, cryptography }: buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "python-jose"; version = "3.0.1"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "mpdavis"; repo = "python-jose"; rev = version; sha256 = "1ahq4m86z504bnlk9z473r7r3dprg5m39900rld797hbczdhqa4f"; }; checkInputs = [ pycrypto pytest pytestcov pytestrunner cryptography # optional dependency, but needed in tests ]; checkPhase = '' py.test ''; # https://github.com/mpdavis/python-jose/issues/149 PYTEST_ADDOPTS = "-k 'not test_invalid_claims_json and not test_invalid_claims'"; propagatedBuildInputs = [ future six ecdsa rsa ]; meta = with stdenv.lib; { homepage = https://github.com/mpdavis/python-jose; description = "A JOSE implementation in Python"; license = licenses.mit; maintainers = [ maintainers.jhhuh ]; }; }