{ lib , buildPythonPackage , cachetools , decorator , fetchFromGitHub , future , nose , pysmt , pythonOlder , pytestCheckHook , z3 }: buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "claripy"; version = "9.0.9166"; disabled = pythonOlder "3.6"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "angr"; repo = pname; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "0rwl5q7z16agcykn0an2lyqfn2z5yvmg0xcvxfpvndf6zpnbqhx0"; }; # Use upstream z3 implementation postPatch = '' substituteInPlace setup.py --replace "z3-solver>=" "" ''; propagatedBuildInputs = [ cachetools decorator future pysmt z3 ]; checkInputs = [ nose pytestCheckHook ]; pythonImportsCheck = [ "claripy" ]; meta = with lib; { description = "Python abstraction layer for constraint solvers"; homepage = "https://github.com/angr/claripy"; license = with licenses; [ bsd2 ]; maintainers = with maintainers; [ fab ]; }; }