{ buildOctavePackage , lib , fetchFromGitHub # Octave's Python (Python 3) , python }: let pythonEnv = python.withPackages (ps: [ ps.sympy ps.mpmath ]); in buildOctavePackage rec { pname = "symbolic"; version = "unstable-2021-10-16"; # https://github.com/cbm755/octsympy/issues/1023 has been resolved, however # a new release has not been made src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "cbm755"; repo = "octsympy"; rev = "5b58530f4ada78c759829ae703a0e5d9832c32d4"; sha256 = "sha256-n6P1Swjl4RfgxfLY0ZuN3pcL8PcoknA6yxbnw96OZ2k="; }; propagatedBuildInputs = [ pythonEnv ]; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://octave.sourceforge.io/symbolic/index.html"; license = licenses.gpl3Plus; maintainers = with maintainers; [ KarlJoad ]; description = "Adds symbolic calculation features to GNU Octave"; }; }