{ lib, fetchFromGitHub, buildDunePackage, pkg-config, dune-configurator, stdio, R , alcotest }: buildDunePackage rec { pname = "ocaml-r"; version = "0.4.0"; useDune2 = true; minimumOCamlVersion = "4.08"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "pveber"; repo = pname; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "10is2s148kfh3g0pwniyzp5mh48k57ldvn8gm86469zvgxyij1ri"; }; # Without the following patch, stub generation fails with: # > Fatal error: exception (Failure "not supported: osVersion") preConfigure = '' substituteInPlace stubgen/stubgen.ml --replace \ 'failwithf "not supported: %s" name ()' \ 'sprintf "(* not supported: %s *)" name' substituteInPlace lib/config/discover.ml --replace \ ' libRmath"' '"' ''; buildInputs = [ pkg-config R dune-configurator stdio ]; doCheck = true; checkInputs = [ alcotest ]; meta = { description = "OCaml bindings for the R interpreter"; inherit (src.meta) homepage; license = lib.licenses.gpl3; maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.bcdarwin ]; }; }