/* Generated file. */ args @ { fetchurl, ... }: rec { baseName = "jpl-queues"; version = "0.1"; description = "A few different kinds of queues, with optional multithreading synchronization."; deps = [ args."alexandria" args."bordeaux-threads" args."jpl-util" ]; src = fetchurl { url = "http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/jpl-queues/2010-10-06/jpl-queues-0.1.tgz"; sha256 = "1wvvv7j117h9a42qaj1g4fh4mji28xqs7s60rn6d11gk9jl76h96"; }; packageName = "jpl-queues"; asdFilesToKeep = ["jpl-queues.asd"]; overrides = x: x; } /* (SYSTEM jpl-queues DESCRIPTION A few different kinds of queues, with optional multithreading synchronization. SHA256 1wvvv7j117h9a42qaj1g4fh4mji28xqs7s60rn6d11gk9jl76h96 URL http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/jpl-queues/2010-10-06/jpl-queues-0.1.tgz MD5 7c3d14c955db0a5c8ece2b9409333ce0 NAME jpl-queues FILENAME jpl-queues DEPS ((NAME alexandria FILENAME alexandria) (NAME bordeaux-threads FILENAME bordeaux-threads) (NAME jpl-util FILENAME jpl-util)) DEPENDENCIES (alexandria bordeaux-threads jpl-util) VERSION 0.1 SIBLINGS NIL PARASITES NIL) */