/* Generated file. */ args @ { fetchurl, ... }: rec { baseName = "cl-qprint"; version = "20150804-git"; description = "Encode and decode quoted-printable encoded strings."; deps = [ args."flexi-streams" args."trivial-gray-streams" ]; src = fetchurl { url = "http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/cl-qprint/2015-08-04/cl-qprint-20150804-git.tgz"; sha256 = "042nq9airkc4yaqzpmly5iszmkbwfn38wsgi9k361ldf1y54lq28"; }; packageName = "cl-qprint"; asdFilesToKeep = ["cl-qprint.asd"]; overrides = x: x; } /* (SYSTEM cl-qprint DESCRIPTION Encode and decode quoted-printable encoded strings. SHA256 042nq9airkc4yaqzpmly5iszmkbwfn38wsgi9k361ldf1y54lq28 URL http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/cl-qprint/2015-08-04/cl-qprint-20150804-git.tgz MD5 74376a69e0b078724c94cc268f69e0f7 NAME cl-qprint FILENAME cl-qprint DEPS ((NAME flexi-streams FILENAME flexi-streams) (NAME trivial-gray-streams FILENAME trivial-gray-streams)) DEPENDENCIES (flexi-streams trivial-gray-streams) VERSION 20150804-git SIBLINGS NIL PARASITES NIL) */