## Importing package definitions from Quicklisp This page documents how to import packages from Quicklisp. ## Nix dumper Run: ``` $ nix-shell $ sbcl --script ql-import.lisp ``` This command runs a program that dumps a `imported.nix` file containing Nix expressions for all packages in Quicklisp. They will be automatically picked up by the `lispPackagesFor` and `lispWithPackages` API functions. It also creates a 'packages.sqlite' file. It's used during the generation of the 'imported.nix' file and can be safely removed. It contains the full information of Quicklisp packages, so you can use it to query the dependency graphs using SQL, if you're interested. ## Tarball hashes The Nix dumper program will re-use hashes from "imported.nix" if it detects that it's being run for the first time. This saves a lot of bandwidth by not having to download each tarball again. But when upgrading the Quicklisp release URL, this can take a while because it needs to fetch the source code of each new system to compute its SHA256 hash. This is because Quicklisp only provides a SHA1 , and Nix's `builtins.fetchTarball` requires a SHA256. Later on, the hashes are cached in `packages.sqlite`, and are reused in subsequent invocations. Therefore you might want to keep the 'packages.sqlite' file around if you'd like to keep hashes of historical Quicklisp tarballs, for example for archival purposes. ## Choosing a Quicklisp release Quicklisp release url's are currently hard-coded and can be changed directly in the source code. See the `import` directory. ## Native and Java libraries At the moment, native and Java libraries need to be added manually to imported systems in `ql.nix` on an as-needed basis. ## Dependencies from packages.nix Also worth noting is that systems imported from Quicklisp will prefer packages from `packages.nix` as dependencies, so that custom versions can be provided or broken versions replaced.