{ stdenv, fetchurl, static ? false }: let version = "1.2.8"; in stdenv.mkDerivation (rec { name = "zlib-${version}"; src = fetchurl { urls = [ "http://www.zlib.net/${name}.tar.gz" # old versions vanish from here "mirror://sourceforge/libpng/zlib/${version}/${name}.tar.gz" ]; sha256 = "039agw5rqvqny92cpkrfn243x2gd4xn13hs3xi6isk55d2vqqr9n"; }; configureFlags = if static then "" else "--shared"; preConfigure = '' if test -n "$crossConfig"; then export CC=$crossConfig-gcc configureFlags=${if static then "" else "--shared"} fi ''; # As zlib takes part in the stdenv building, we don't want references # to the bootstrap-tools libgcc (as uses to happen on arm/mips) NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = stdenv.lib.optionalString (!stdenv.isDarwin) "-static-libgcc"; crossAttrs = { dontStrip = static; } // stdenv.lib.optionalAttrs (stdenv.cross.libc == "msvcrt") { configurePhase='' installFlags="BINARY_PATH=$out/bin INCLUDE_PATH=$out/include LIBRARY_PATH=$out/lib" ''; makeFlags = [ "-f" "win32/Makefile.gcc" "PREFIX=${stdenv.cross.config}-" ] ++ (if static then [] else [ "SHARED_MODE=1" ]); } // stdenv.lib.optionalAttrs (stdenv.cross.libc == "libSystem") { makeFlags = [ "RANLIB=${stdenv.cross.config}-ranlib" ]; }; # zlib doesn't like the automatic --disable-shared from the Cygwin stdenv. cygwinConfigureEnableShared = true; passthru.version = version; meta = with stdenv.lib; { description = "Lossless data-compression library"; license = licenses.zlib; platforms = platforms.all; }; } // (if stdenv.isDarwin then { postInstall = '' # jww (2015-01-06): Sometimes this library install as a .so, even on # Darwin; others time it installs as a .dylib. I haven't yet figured out # what causes this difference. for file in $out/lib/*.so* $out/lib/*.dylib* ; do install_name_tool -id "$file" $file done ''; } else {}))