{ lib , stdenv , fetchFromGitHub , cmake , abseil-cpp , bzip2 , zlib , lsb-release , which , protobuf , cbc , ensureNewerSourcesForZipFilesHook , python , swig4 }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "or-tools"; version = "9.1"; disabled = python.pythonOlder "3.6"; # not supported upstream src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "google"; repo = "or-tools"; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "sha256-dEYMPWpa3J9EqtCq3kubdUYJivNRTOKUpNDx3UC1IcQ="; }; # The original build system uses cmake which does things like pull # in dependencies through git and Makefile creation time. We # obviously don't want to do this so instead we provide the # dependencies straight from nixpkgs and use the make build method. # Cbc is linked against bzip2 and declares this in its pkgs-config file, # but this makefile doesn't use pkgs-config, so we also have to add lbz2 configurePhase = '' substituteInPlace makefiles/Makefile.third_party.unix.mk \ --replace 'COINUTILS_LNK = $(STATIC_COINUTILS_LNK)' \ 'COINUTILS_LNK = $(STATIC_COINUTILS_LNK) -lbz2' cat < Makefile.local UNIX_ABSL_DIR=${abseil-cpp} UNIX_PROTOBUF_DIR=${protobuf} UNIX_CBC_DIR=${cbc} USE_SCIP=OFF EOF ''; # Many of these 'samples' (which are really the tests) require using SCIP, and or-tools 8.1 # will just crash if SCIP is not found because it doesn't fall back to using one of # the available solvers: https://github.com/google/or-tools/blob/b77bd3ac69b7f3bb02f55b7bab6cbb4bab3917f2/ortools/linear_solver/linear_solver.cc#L427 # We don't compile with SCIP because it does not have an open source license. # See https://github.com/google/or-tools/issues/2395 preBuild = '' for file in ortools/linear_solver/samples/*.cc; do if grep -q SCIP_MIXED_INTEGER_PROGRAMMING $file; then substituteInPlace $file --replace SCIP_MIXED_INTEGER_PROGRAMMING CBC_MIXED_INTEGER_PROGRAMMING fi; done substituteInPlace ortools/linear_solver/samples/simple_mip_program.cc \ --replace 'SCIP' 'CBC' ''; makeFlags = [ "prefix=${placeholder "out"}" "PROTOBUF_PYTHON_DESC=${python.pkgs.protobuf}/${python.sitePackages}/google/protobuf/descriptor_pb2.py" ]; buildFlags = [ "cc" "pypi_archive" ]; doCheck = true; checkTarget = "test_cc"; installTargets = [ "install_cc" ]; # The upstream install_python target installs to $HOME. postInstall = '' mkdir -p "$python/${python.sitePackages}" (cd temp_python/ortools; PYTHONPATH="$python/${python.sitePackages}:$PYTHONPATH" python setup.py install '--prefix=$python') ''; # protobuf generation is not thread safe enableParallelBuilding = false; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake lsb-release swig4 which ensureNewerSourcesForZipFilesHook python.pkgs.setuptools python.pkgs.wheel ]; buildInputs = [ zlib bzip2 python ]; propagatedBuildInputs = [ abseil-cpp protobuf python.pkgs.protobuf python.pkgs.six python.pkgs.absl-py python.pkgs.mypy-protobuf ]; outputs = [ "out" "python" ]; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://github.com/google/or-tools"; license = licenses.asl20; description = '' Google's software suite for combinatorial optimization. ''; maintainers = with maintainers; [ andersk ]; platforms = with platforms; linux; }; }