{ lib, mkDerivation, perl }: let inherit (lib) licenses maintainers platforms; in { self, srcs, patches }: args: let inherit (args) pname; version = args.version or srcs.${pname}.version; src = args.src or srcs.${pname}.src; in mkDerivation (args // { inherit pname version src; patches = args.patches or patches.${pname} or []; nativeBuildInputs = (args.nativeBuildInputs or []) ++ [ perl self.qmake ]; propagatedBuildInputs = args.qtInputs ++ (args.propagatedBuildInputs or []); outputs = args.outputs or [ "out" "dev" ]; setOutputFlags = args.setOutputFlags or false; preHook = '' . ${./hooks/move-qt-dev-tools.sh} . ${./hooks/fix-qt-builtin-paths.sh} ''; preConfigure = '' ${args.preConfigure or ""} fixQtBuiltinPaths . '*.pr?' ''; dontWrapQtApps = args.dontWrapQtApps or true; postFixup = '' if [ -d "''${!outputDev}/lib/pkgconfig" ]; then find "''${!outputDev}/lib/pkgconfig" -name '*.pc' | while read pc; do sed -i "$pc" \ -e "/^prefix=/ c prefix=''${!outputLib}" \ -e "/^exec_prefix=/ c exec_prefix=''${!outputBin}" \ -e "/^includedir=/ c includedir=''${!outputDev}/include" done fi moveQtDevTools ${args.postFixup or ""} ''; meta = { homepage = "http://www.qt.io"; description = "A cross-platform application framework for C++"; license = with licenses; [ fdl13 gpl2 lgpl21 lgpl3 ]; maintainers = with maintainers; [ qknight ttuegel periklis bkchr ]; platforms = platforms.unix; } // (args.meta or {}); })