{ lib, stdenv , fetchurl , python2 , python3 , pkg-config , readline , gettext , libxslt , docbook-xsl-nons , docbook_xml_dtd_42 , wafHook }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "ntdb"; version = "1.0"; src = fetchurl { url = "mirror://samba/tdb/${pname}-${version}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "0jdzgrz5sr25k83yrw7wqb3r0yj1v04z4s3lhsmnr5z6n5ifhyl1"; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config gettext libxslt docbook-xsl-nons docbook_xml_dtd_42 wafHook python2 # For wafHook ]; buildInputs = [ python3 readline # required to build python ]; wafPath = "buildtools/bin/waf"; wafConfigureFlags = [ "--bundled-libraries=NONE" "--builtin-libraries=replace,ccan" ]; meta = with lib; { description = "The not-so trivial database"; homepage = "https://tdb.samba.org/"; license = licenses.lgpl3Plus; platforms = platforms.all; }; }