{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, autoreconfHook, docbook_xsl, gtk_doc, icu , libxslt, pkgconfig }: let version = "${libVersion}-list-${listVersion}"; listVersion = "2015-08-27"; listSources = fetchFromGitHub { sha256 = "14kgxyfvvrwqyxmfy1by1pzbbv6hs9n744v8zr160rz8rln8lzb9"; rev = "1fc1ed365818a6a77d6f31d425ff03ca54cdc7f3"; repo = "list"; owner = "publicsuffix"; }; libVersion = "0.8.0"; in stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "libpsl-${version}"; src = fetchFromGitHub { sha256 = "0mjnj36igk6w3c0d4k2fqqg1kl6bpnxfrcgcgz1zdw33gfa5gdi7"; rev = "libpsl-${libVersion}"; repo = "libpsl"; owner = "rockdaboot"; }; buildInputs = [ icu libxslt ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ autoreconfHook docbook_xsl gtk_doc pkgconfig ]; preAutoreconf = '' mkdir m4 gtkdocize ''; preConfigure = '' # The libpsl check phase requires the list's test scripts (tests/) as well cp -Rv "${listSources}"/* list ''; configureFlags = "--disable-static --enable-gtk-doc --enable-man"; enableParallelBuilding = true; doCheck = true; meta = with stdenv.lib; { inherit version; description = "C library for the Publix Suffix List"; longDescription = '' libpsl is a C library for the Publix Suffix List (PSL). A "public suffix" is a domain name under which Internet users can directly register own names. Browsers and other web clients can use it to avoid privacy-leaking "supercookies" and "super domain" certificates, for highlighting parts of the domain in a user interface or sorting domain lists by site. ''; homepage = http://rockdaboot.github.io/libpsl/; license = licenses.mit; platforms = with platforms; linux ++ darwin; maintainers = with maintainers; [ nckx ]; }; }