{ stdenv, fetchurl, glib, pkgconfig, mesa, libX11, libXext, libXfixes , libXdamage, libXcomposite, libXi, cogl, pango, atk, json_glib }: stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "clutter-1.8.2"; src = fetchurl { url = mirror://gnome/sources/clutter/1.8/clutter-1.8.2.tar.xz; sha256 = "0bzsvnharawfg525lpavrp55mq4aih5nb01dwwqwnccg8hk9z2fw"; }; buildNativeInputs = [ pkgconfig ]; propagatedBuildInputs = [ libX11 mesa libXext libXfixes libXdamage libXcomposite libXi cogl pango atk json_glib ]; meta = { description = "Clutter, a library for creating fast, dynamic graphical user interfaces"; longDescription = '' Clutter is free software library for creating fast, compelling, portable, and dynamic graphical user interfaces. It is a core part of MeeGo, and is supported by the open source community. Its development is sponsored by Intel. Clutter uses OpenGL for rendering (and optionally OpenGL|ES for use on mobile and embedded platforms), but wraps an easy to use, efficient, flexible API around GL's complexity. Clutter enforces no particular user interface style, but provides a rich, generic foundation for higher-level toolkits tailored to specific needs. ''; license = "LGPLv2+"; homepage = http://www.clutter-project.org/; maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ urkud ludo ]; platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.mesaPlatforms; }; }