{ stdenv, fetchurl, gcc49, icmake, libmilter, libX11, openssl, readline , utillinux, yodl }: let version = "3.25.01"; in stdenv.mkDerivation rec { name = "bobcat-${version}"; src = fetchurl { sha256 = "07qc10hnjpmc2wq14kw01vfww5i049y0jmdvkiiafw33ffy0wdca"; url = "mirror://sourceforge/bobcat/bobcat/${version}/bobcat_${version}.orig.tar.gz"; }; meta = with stdenv.lib; { inherit version; description = "Brokken's Own Base Classes And Templates"; downloadPage = http://sourceforge.net/projects/bobcat/files/; license = with licenses; gpl3; platforms = with platforms; linux; maintainers = with maintainers; [ nckx ]; }; buildInputs = [ gcc49 icmake libmilter libX11 openssl readline utillinux yodl ]; postPatch = '' substituteInPlace INSTALL.im --replace /usr $out patchShebangs ./build ''; buildPhase = '' ./build libraries all ./build man ''; installPhase = '' ./build install ''; }