{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, icmake , libmilter, libX11, openssl, readline , utillinux, yodl }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { name = "bobcat-${version}"; version = "4.07.00"; src = fetchFromGitHub { sha256 = "0ja6rgdw4ng10acp2c0cv9k72i5sgng03i3xi2yshlm2811lgxcs"; rev = version; repo = "bobcat"; owner = "fbb-git"; }; buildInputs = [ libmilter libX11 openssl readline utillinux ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ icmake yodl ]; setSourceRoot = '' sourceRoot=$(echo */bobcat) ''; postPatch = '' substituteInPlace INSTALL.im --replace /usr $out patchShebangs . ''; buildPhase = '' ./build libraries all ./build man ''; installPhase = '' ./build install x ''; meta = with stdenv.lib; { description = "Brokken's Own Base Classes And Templates"; homepage = https://fbb-git.github.io/bobcat/; license = licenses.gpl3; platforms = platforms.linux; }; }