{ pkgs, haskellLib }: with haskellLib; self: super: { llvmPackages = pkgs.lib.dontRecurseIntoAttrs self.ghc.llvmPackages; # Disable GHC 9.0.x core libraries. array = null; base = null; binary = null; bytestring = null; Cabal = null; containers = null; deepseq = null; directory = null; exceptions = null; filepath = null; ghc-bignum = null; ghc-boot = null; ghc-boot-th = null; ghc-compact = null; ghc-heap = null; ghc-prim = null; ghci = null; haskeline = null; hpc = null; integer-gmp = null; libiserv = null; mtl = null; parsec = null; pretty = null; process = null; rts = null; stm = null; template-haskell = null; terminfo = null; text = null; time = null; transformers = null; unix = null; xhtml = null; # cabal-install needs more recent versions of Cabal and base16-bytestring. cabal-install = (doJailbreak super.cabal-install).overrideScope (self: super: { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_6_2_0; }); # Jailbreaks & Version Updates async = doJailbreak super.async; data-fix = doJailbreak super.data-fix; dec = doJailbreak super.dec; ed25519 = doJailbreak super.ed25519; hackage-security = doJailbreak super.hackage-security; hashable = overrideCabal (drv: { postPatch = "sed -i -e 's,integer-gmp .*<1.1,integer-gmp < 2,' hashable.cabal"; }) (doJailbreak (dontCheck super.hashable)); hashable-time = doJailbreak super.hashable-time; HTTP = overrideCabal (drv: { postPatch = "sed -i -e 's,! Socket,!Socket,' Network/TCP.hs"; }) (doJailbreak super.HTTP); integer-logarithms = overrideCabal (drv: { postPatch = "sed -i -e 's,integer-gmp <1.1,integer-gmp < 2,' integer-logarithms.cabal"; }) (doJailbreak super.integer-logarithms); lukko = doJailbreak super.lukko; parallel = doJailbreak super.parallel; primitive = doJailbreak (dontCheck super.primitive); primitive-extras = doDistribute (self.primitive-extras_0_10_1_4); regex-posix = doJailbreak super.regex-posix; resolv = doJailbreak super.resolv; singleton-bool = doJailbreak super.singleton-bool; split = doJailbreak super.split; tar = doJailbreak super.tar; time-compat = doJailbreak super.time-compat; vector = doJailbreak (dontCheck super.vector); vector-binary-instances = doJailbreak super.vector-binary-instances; vector-th-unbox = doJailbreak super.vector-th-unbox; zlib = doJailbreak super.zlib; weeder = self.weeder_2_3_0; generic-lens-core = self.generic-lens-core_2_2_1_0; generic-lens = self.generic-lens_2_2_1_0; th-desugar = self.th-desugar_1_13; # 2021-11-08: Fixed in autoapply-0.4.2 autoapply = doJailbreak self.autoapply_0_4_1_1; # Doesn't allow Dhall 1.39.*; forbids lens 5.1 weeder_2_3_0 = doJailbreak (super.weeder_2_3_0.override { dhall = self.dhall_1_40_2; }); # Upstream also disables test for GHC 9: https://github.com/kcsongor/generic-lens/pull/130 generic-lens_2_2_1_0 = dontCheck super.generic-lens_2_2_1_0; # Apply patches from head.hackage. doctest = dontCheck (doJailbreak super.doctest_0_18_2); language-haskell-extract = appendPatch (pkgs.fetchpatch { url = "https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/head.hackage/-/raw/master/patches/language-haskell-extract-0.2.4.patch"; sha256 = "0rgzrq0513nlc1vw7nw4km4bcwn4ivxcgi33jly4a7n3c1r32v1f"; }) (doJailbreak super.language-haskell-extract); # The test suite depends on ChasingBottoms, which is broken with ghc-9.0.x. unordered-containers = dontCheck super.unordered-containers; # The test suite seems pretty broken. base64-bytestring = dontCheck super.base64-bytestring; # 5 introduced support for GHC 9.0.x, but hasn't landed in stackage yet lens = super.lens_5_1; # 0.16.0 introduced support for GHC 9.0.x, stackage has 0.15.0 memory = super.memory_0_16_0; # GHC 9.0.x doesn't like `import Spec (main)` in Main.hs # https://github.com/snoyberg/mono-traversable/issues/192 mono-traversable = dontCheck super.mono-traversable; # Disable tests pending resolution of # https://github.com/Soostone/retry/issues/71 retry = dontCheck super.retry; # Hlint needs >= 3.3.4 for ghc 9 support. hlint = doDistribute super.hlint_3_3_6; # 2021-09-18: ghc-api-compat and ghc-lib-* need >= 9.0.x versions for hls and hlint ghc-api-compat = doDistribute super.ghc-api-compat_9_0_1; ghc-lib-parser = self.ghc-lib-parser_9_0_2_20211226; ghc-lib-parser-ex = self.ghc-lib-parser-ex_9_0_0_6; ghc-lib = self.ghc-lib_9_0_2_20211226; # 2021-09-18: Need semialign >= 1.2 for correct bounds semialign = super.semialign_1_2_0_1; # 2021-09-18: cabal2nix does not detect the need for ghc-api-compat. hiedb = overrideCabal (old: { libraryHaskellDepends = old.libraryHaskellDepends ++ [self.ghc-api-compat]; }) super.hiedb; # 2021-09-18: Need path >= 0.9.0 for ghc 9 compat path = self.path_0_9_0; # 2021-09-18: Need ormolu >= for ghc 9 compat ormolu = doDistribute self.ormolu_0_3_1_0; # 2021-09-18: https://github.com/haskell/haskell-language-server/issues/2206 # Restrictive upper bound on ormolu hls-ormolu-plugin = doJailbreak super.hls-ormolu-plugin; # Too strict bounds on base # https://github.com/lspitzner/multistate/issues/9 multistate = doJailbreak super.multistate; # https://github.com/lspitzner/butcher/issues/7 butcher = doJailbreak super.butcher; # Fixes a bug triggered on GHC 9.0.1 text-short = self.text-short_0_1_5; fourmolu = doJailbreak self.fourmolu_0_4_0_0; # 2022-02-05: The following plugins don‘t work yet on ghc9. # Compare: https://haskell-language-server.readthedocs.io/en/latest/supported-versions.html haskell-language-server = appendConfigureFlags [ "-f-brittany" "-f-stylishhaskell" ] (super.haskell-language-server.override { hls-stylish-haskell-plugin = null; # No upstream support hls-brittany-plugin = null; # Dependencies don't build with 9.0.1 }); }