{ lib, stdenv , fetchurl , fetchpatch , substituteAll , meson , ninja , python3 , rsync , pkg-config , glib , itstool , libxml2 , xorg , accountsservice , libX11 , gnome , systemd , dconf , gtk3 , libcanberra-gtk3 , pam , libselinux , keyutils , audit , gobject-introspection , plymouth , librsvg , coreutils , xwayland , dbus , nixos-icons }: let override = substituteAll { src = ./org.gnome.login-screen.gschema.override; icon = "${nixos-icons}/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/nix-snowflake-white.svg"; }; in stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "gdm"; version = "40.1"; outputs = [ "out" "dev" ]; src = fetchurl { url = "mirror://gnome/sources/gdm/${lib.versions.major version}/${pname}-${version}.tar.xz"; sha256 = "q7ih6mZISPLJD4SsqkLpTSVgVwNYgamPvUH7xdfRc/0="; }; mesonFlags = [ "-Dgdm-xsession=true" # TODO: Setup a default-path? https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gdm/-/blob/6fc40ac6aa37c8ad87c32f0b1a5d813d34bf7770/meson_options.txt#L6 "-Dinitial-vt=${passthru.initialVT}" "-Dudev-dir=${placeholder "out"}/lib/udev/rules.d" "-Dsystemdsystemunitdir=${placeholder "out"}/lib/systemd/system" "-Dsystemduserunitdir=${placeholder "out"}/lib/systemd/user" "--sysconfdir=/etc" "--localstatedir=/var" ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ dconf glib # for glib-compile-schemas itstool meson ninja pkg-config python3 rsync ]; buildInputs = [ accountsservice audit glib gobject-introspection gtk3 keyutils libX11 libcanberra-gtk3 libselinux pam plymouth systemd xorg.libXdmcp ]; patches = [ # GDM fails to find g-s with the following error in the journal. # gdm-x-session[976]: dbus-run-session: failed to exec 'gnome-session': No such file or directory # https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gdm/-/merge_requests/92 (fetchpatch { url = "https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gdm/-/commit/ccecd9c975d04da80db4cd547b67a1a94fa83292.patch"; sha256 = "5hKS9wjjhuSAYwXct5vS0dPbmPRIINJoLC0Zm1naz6Q="; revert = true; }) # Change hardcoded paths to nix store paths. (substituteAll { src = ./fix-paths.patch; inherit coreutils plymouth xwayland dbus; }) # The following patches implement certain environment variables in GDM which are set by # the gdm configuration module (nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/gdm.nix). ./gdm-x-session_extra_args.patch # Allow specifying a wrapper for running the session command. ./gdm-x-session_session-wrapper.patch # Forwards certain environment variables to the gdm-x-session child process # to ensure that the above two patches actually work. ./gdm-session-worker_forward-vars.patch # Set up the environment properly when launching sessions # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/48255 ./reset-environment.patch ]; postPatch = '' patchShebangs build-aux/meson_post_install.py # Upstream checks some common paths to find an `X` binary. We already know it. echo #!/bin/sh > build-aux/find-x-server.sh echo "echo ${lib.getBin xorg.xorgserver}/bin/X" >> build-aux/find-x-server.sh patchShebangs build-aux/find-x-server.sh ''; preInstall = '' install -D ${override} ${DESTDIR}/$out/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.login-screen.gschema.override ''; postInstall = '' # Move stuff from DESTDIR to proper location. # We use rsync to merge the directories. rsync --archive "${DESTDIR}/etc" "$out" rm --recursive "${DESTDIR}/etc" for o in $outputs; do rsync --archive "${DESTDIR}/''${!o}" "$(dirname "''${!o}")" rm --recursive "${DESTDIR}/''${!o}" done # Ensure the DESTDIR is removed. rmdir "${DESTDIR}/nix/store" "${DESTDIR}/nix" "${DESTDIR}" # We are setting DESTDIR so the post-install script does not compile the schemas. glib-compile-schemas "$out/share/glib-2.0/schemas" ''; # HACK: We want to install configuration files to $out/etc # but GDM should read them from /etc on a NixOS system. # With autotools, it was possible to override Make variables # at install time but Meson does not support this # so we need to convince it to install all files to a temporary # location using DESTDIR and then move it to proper one in postInstall. DESTDIR = "${placeholder "out"}/dest"; passthru = { updateScript = gnome.updateScript { packageName = "gdm"; attrPath = "gnome.gdm"; }; # Used in GDM NixOS module # Don't remove. initialVT = "7"; }; meta = with lib; { description = "A program that manages graphical display servers and handles graphical user logins"; homepage = "https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GDM"; license = licenses.gpl2Plus; maintainers = teams.gnome.members; platforms = platforms.linux; }; }